Is All-On-4 Treatment Right for Me?

Portrait,Of,Mature,Woman,Enjoying,Life,After,Retirement,And,Looking When you need to replace multiple missing teeth in a row, there are several ways to go about it. One option is the All-on-4 treatment, which can give you back a complete set of teeth without putting your mouth through any additional stress. We’ll look at how the treatment works, why it’s recommended, and what you can expect if you decide it’s right for you.

The Benefits of All-On-4 Treatment

When you lose a single tooth, it opens the door to a variety of potential issues. Not only are your other teeth forced to work harder for the same outcome, but they’re also more likely to move and shift into position to take up the space. If you lose multiple teeth, the consequences only become more severe. Teeth aren’t just essential for chewing; they’re also the support structure for your face. Here are some benefits of the All-on-4 treatment:

  • Improved quality of life
  • Permanent solution
  • Enhanced stability and comfort
  • Natural appearance
  • Preservation of jawbone structure
  • Fast recovery and minimal discomfort
  • Convenience and efficiency
  • Long-term success

What Is All-On-4?

All-on-4 will give a patient a complete set of teeth with just four implants. By contrast, a full-arch set of implants will usually be around 6–8 implants per row, which requires the bone to be strong enough to handle more fixtures on both the top and bottom jaw. The method works because the angle of the implants was changed to 45°, allowing dentists to offer implants to patients who may have otherwise had to wear dentures.

Schedule an Evaluation for All-On-4 Treatment Today

It’s a major decision for anyone to get dental treatment. The procedure requires a commitment on the part of the patient, and it may take several months before the healing process is complete. However, All-on-4 treatment can be a solid middle ground for patients who may have been told that they didn’t have enough bone strength to handle dental implants. To see if you’re eligible, schedule an evaluation at the Oral and Facial Surgery Institute of Houston by calling 281-491-4545 or filling out a contact form.

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